Haven’t posted in a while, but that doesn’t mean I’m out of the game.
Haven’t posted in a while, but that doesn’t mean I’m out of the game.
In the spring of last year, I had the opportunity to play in my first remote Tabletop RPG (Star Wars), and while it didn’t last long, I had a really good time! Next thing I know, I’m reading the D&D Player’s Handbook and designing a mimic dice box as a gift for the friend who introduced me to it all.
I’ve got a ways to go before I’m anywhere near proficient in this software. The workflows are unfamiliar, and I’m occasionally running into issues that force me to scrap designs and start over. It is improving, I am improving, and I thought I’d share some of the work I’ve completed between switching over and now (downloads available at the bottom).
Enter: The Shredder!
Never expected this word salad to be a project title, and yet here we are.
Got a 1st-gen GBA approximately 1,000 years ago back in February, and finally got around to making a mount for it. Since most of the groundwork was laid in the original set, the effort was thankfully as minimal as the design.
My kids loved them so much they needed MORE!
Printable AND articulated heroes in a half-shell.
I was awarded a design patent through work last month and found out today because of some marketing material that showed up in the mail.
I passed the CSWPA-DT exam last week!