Q1 2021 Roundup

Haven’t posted in a while, but that doesn’t mean I’m out of the game.
Light Fixture
Early on this year (I unfortunately don’t remember exactly when), the LED lightbulbs in my kitchen needed replacing. Not usually an issue, except the light fixture I made for them years ago was heavily dependent on mason jars, and opening said jars to replace the bulbs was not something I wanted to repeat ever again.
So I took some measurements, opened FreeCAD (v0.19), and whipped up a simple, yet elegant light fixture.

Files at the bottom of the page.
Music Book Spanner
My wife had been thinking about getting a piano for some time, and by chance, we learned that a friend of my Father-in-law could just give us one as long as we could come that day and pick it up. It is a beautiful old instrument that had been a part of his family’s legacy and we are honored to have it in our home. She is over the moon, has been playing daily since, and asked for a tool to help keep her music books open.

I quickly modeled a book spanner and gave it to her Valentine’s Day morning.

Now I just have to get my trumpet skills back to where they were in high school and we’ll be able to jam.
Files at the bottom of the page.
Something New…
I’ve taken a little bit of a step back from 3D modeling and printing this year, and have started exploring another area that has interested me since childhood.
I’m using GB Studio (along with aseprite and Tiled) to design a Gameboy game with my nephews in Chicago!

So far things are in the early stages and we’re all learning a lot about the tools, workflows, and how to work with each other. I’m figuring out the mechanics while my oldest nephew (12) is writing out the story and plot, my middle nephew (10) is helping out with the artwork, and my youngest nephew (5) has graciously offered to be a play-tester. I’m thrilled to have a way to connect with them across the country.

Expect to read more about the project once we finish the first section (we’re almost there). A rom file may or may not be included at that time.
My kids have caught me working on this a few times and have dictated key aspects of their own video game projects now, so this may likely become an ongoing thing…

Click the Download buttons below for the files.
Files are available under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.

Like what you’re seeing here? Leave me a comment below, follow me on twitter @DragonMtnDesign, say “hey” if you see me or my work around on Reddit or Discord, get vaccinated if you can, and wear a mask when out and about to be safe and show others that you care about their well being in the meantime.
We’re gonna get through this.