I’m effectively finished with the game (hooray!), so to celebrate a sort-of “soft launch,” I made an action figure of the hero, Pecky Cluckenbawker.
I’m effectively finished with the game (hooray!), so to celebrate a sort-of “soft launch,” I made an action figure of the hero, Pecky Cluckenbawker.
Earlier this year my son came to me and asked if we could design and print some Minecraft bees together. No further questions were necessary and we got right on it.
Sometimes things get broken when young, helpful hands drop them on the floor. When the manufacturer doesn’t sell the part as a replacement, what do you do?
Crisp as in fresh!
This collaborative monster dreamed up by my kids took far longer to design than I’d hoped, but I think it was worth the wait!
Or just “Rampager” for short.
It’s finally happening! My daughter came to me with her own creature design, and asked that I make it a toy.
The series continues with direction from a Twitter poll this time.
Started playing D&D for the first time earlier this year (thanks for being a great DM, BFFNate!), and monsters are fun. For these reasons, I realized I needed to get right back into action figures by designing adorable, goofy versions.
Enter: The Shredder!