My last name's spelled incorrectly that one big time, but otherwise, it's all good.

I’m a little late in sharing this here, but MyMiniFactory interviewed me back in June!  Link to the full article is HERE, but in case that breaks or goes awry at some point, I’ve taken some screen grabs too.


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My wife was kind enough to make a crockpot meal specifically so I could take photos and video. She's amazing.

Long story short: couldn’t leave Pikachu hanging all alone.  Had to make some friends.  Or as my wife calls them, “Bubblesour,” “Squirturt,” and “Charmando.”


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Finally! Pokemon designs made for my skill level!

I’ve been really enjoying this game since it came out on mobile last week.  Not just because I love that voxel-based Pokémon lower the bar on designing and printing your own, but it’s also pretty dang fun.


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Crush the Cheekymandos in the new B.L.T.!


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This kid is pretty BA.

Yes, I have dabbled in a belt accessory before, but field tests with a toddler showed that it was more of an aesthetic rather than functional piece of hardware.  A redesign was necessary in order to facilitate the important missions a Space Princess meets on any given day.


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Lightsaber (Block-Style)

The Lego lightsaber design is clearly the best lightsaber design.

Friends, we’re currently at an odd in-between moment after the home release of The Last Jedi and before the upcoming Solo film.  In the meantime, you can complete your training by constructing a new lightsaber.


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Just like the real thing!

Started a Blender class on udemy before my son was born, and got a few sections into it before my free time completely evaporated.  Last weekend I fired up the little Wacom tablet I got for Christmas and decided to go rogue.  Started playing with sculpting features after watching a primer video on YouTube.  Was fun.


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The Space Porter

Not the colors he wanted, but he can choose what he wants when he prints it out himself.

Successful first collaboration with my six-year-old nephew Noah!


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Pew to the Pew

A space captain (princess or otherwise) should never leave port without their trusty sidearm: The Bolide Blaster.


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Cheekymandos – TechMech

I need to work on lighting... Pretty much all these photos were taken under the same circumstances, and the brightness is all over the place.



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