Blender Quest – Disapproval Cat
Started a Blender class on udemy before my son was born, and got a few sections into it before my free time completely evaporated. Last weekend I fired up the little Wacom tablet I got for Christmas and decided to go rogue. Started playing with sculpting features after watching a primer video on YouTube. Was fun.
I’ve got a ton of work and practice to do before I’m even half-way decent, but figured I’d use the platform I already have here to share my progress.
So, inspiration for this gem came a long while ago when this jumbo disapproval meowchi from ThinkGeek came to my attention. I immediately knew I had to make something similar once I built up the courage to dive into a new software.
As with anything worthwhile, there is a bit of a learning curve. I was able to use and understand most of the basic sculpting tools, but it took me at least a couple hours or so to be “proficient” enough to have a basic shape that I didn’t completely hate.
I tried to add the disapproval unicode emoticon in Blender, but for whatever reason, I couldn’t get the text features to work the way I was hoping. It kept copying over as two boxes and an underscore between them.
That was when I had the bright idea of attempting to export an STL file and import that into Fusion 360 to test out the mesh features there.
After a few attempts, the “face” finally looked right and printed well, and I’m proud enough to share the design.
If you like it too, Disapproval Cat can be found on MyMiniFactory. Print one for the person in your life who causes you to make the same face on a daily basis.
March 2020 UPDATE: Files can be downloaded directly from this site at the bottom of the page. They are also available on Prusa Printers!
Printed in PLA with 20% infill. Supports are necessary because I haven’t mastered the flat base in Blender yet.
Like what you’re seeing here and want to follow my Blender Quest progress (among other things)? Hit me up on twitter @DragonMtnDesign.
March 2020 UPDATE: Files are available here! Click the Download button below for a zip file.
Files are available under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.