I’m way behind on sharing this, as we are on the edge of December, and two sets were made as part of the Halloween costumes for my kids. Better late than never!
I’m way behind on sharing this, as we are on the edge of December, and two sets were made as part of the Halloween costumes for my kids. Better late than never!
Yes, I have dabbled in a belt accessory before, but field tests with a toddler showed that it was more of an aesthetic rather than functional piece of hardware. A redesign was necessary in order to facilitate the important missions a Space Princess meets on any given day.
Over the past couple of years, my wife and I have binged our way through Adventure Time, and have both come to realize that Lumpy Space Princess (LSP) is by far one of the greatest things about the show. As the ninth-and-final season approaches, we honor Her Lumpiness with a microwaveable heat pack.