Started a Blender class on udemy before my son was born, and got a few sections into it before my free time completely evaporated. Last weekend I fired up the little Wacom tablet I got for Christmas and decided to go rogue. Started playing with sculpting features after watching a primer video on YouTube. Was fun.
Entries in 3D
Successful first collaboration with my six-year-old nephew Noah!
After many years of using SolidWorks while hiding in fear of certified failure, I finally buckled down, studied up, and passed the CSWP exam (two months ago)!
Onshape recently added a feature to include variables, and it was the update I had been waiting to see, but not the one I asked for.
Everyone working in 3D modeling or design should have a mouse fashioned to operate within all of those dimensions.
I was unaware of this until a seasoned veteran of engineering showed me the light.