Entries in SolidWorks

Been hearing so much hate for these things. They're actually not bad.

A coworker brought her young son into the office recently, and he excitedly showed and told me all about his fidget spinners.  Being familiar with my position, he asked if I could make him one.  So here we are…


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It's got an unintentional Neapolitan thing going on., except that the center is glow-in-the-dark-green.

Since joining MyMiniFactory and uploading the good majority of my projects there, I’ve noticed numerous contests held on the site.  They’ve intrigued me, but for the most part I’ve observed from the sidelines, reviewing the briefs while working on my own stuff.


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First try!

After many years of using SolidWorks while hiding in fear of certified failure, I finally buckled down, studied up, and passed the CSWP exam (two months ago)!


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Emergency Charger

Made this for my wife too. She claims it's too big (it's not).


Between the learning experience of the Drachenbox One, and the DrachenberryPi configurations, I had a few parts left over, which was irritating.  It pains me to have useful components like LiPo batteries and charging circuits sitting idly in storage until another project needing them comes along.  It occurred to me later than I’d like to admit that a LiPo battery and charging circuit makes for a great project in and of itself.


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Drachenberry Pi

Should the version be 'Mark III' if I and II were only theoretical? Whatevs...

As mentioned at the end of my last post, Adafruit did indeed figure out how to get RetroPie to work using their TFT screens, which was awesome, because it allowed me to use the one I had previously purchased without issue, and finally build my own GameBoy:


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Part of the driving force behind the decision to get my own 3D printer was discovering the PiGRRL project from Adafruit.

I could build my own GameBoy… WHAT?!

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My dog is not a large dog.  At roughly 25 lbs and 13″ shoulder height, he’s not that far off the ground to really legitimately need a raised dog dish holder.

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