Goodnight, Sweet Prince

Had to say goodbye to my best friend yesterday. The doodle of him and frame were made before he started getting really sick, and I wasn’t planning on sharing them until a couple other things were in order, but it feels appropriate now as I’m processing everything.

We got Henry one month shy of twelve years ago. I don’t know how old he was when he came into our lives, but it’s likely he was a year and a half to two years old at that time. He was definitely getting up there in age (94 to 98 in dog years?), but as anyone with a cherished pet can tell you, it’s never enough time.

He was with us for so many highs and lows in our lives, and was a constant, faithful, and comforting presence through it all. I have so many great memories with him, and I miss him so bad right now.


Click the download button for the print-in-place photo frame as well the doodle of my Henry. If printing the doodle of the best of boys, would recommend 2″ x 2″ scale and lamination.

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Give your pets a hug for me.

Loved by so many, and was even the special at our favorite food truck/restaurant for “Dino Con” in 2014.
Dude thrived when COVID hit and everyone went to work-from-home. He loved sitting with me in my workshop/office, and would knock my arm off my mouse when he wanted attention.
Snuggling was his favorite thing… as long it was snuggling my wife.
His favorite spot in the workshop was right on the threshold so he could keep an eye on his domain.
His last car ride with his favorite toy.

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